Monday 9 November 2015

How I Quit Smoking

Like many smokers, I had tried quitting a number of times, unsuccessfully. I had also tried different methods, including NRT such as gum, lozenges, mouth spray and patches. Twice I had actually completed the course of NRT but actually resumed smoking within a few weeks on both occasions.

My reasons for quitting were the usual- health, cost and inconvenience- all good reasons, however I had a very strong smoking addiction. I was working at the time and would often find other smokers outside the building during breaks. Why go outside if you are trying to quit? Well basically these were breaks for stress relief, which I needed to get out of the office at the time. It was way too tempting to see a co-worker there and to “bot” a smoke. I rationalised at the time that it was only one or two but it inevitably led to buying packs again mainly because I didn’t want to be seen as a scab.

Quitting this time meant I had to be in contact with the Quit line, which I had done before, but also this time to ask my doctor, given my history, which method was most likely to be successful. We decided on the patches, which I had tried before but this time I was determined to quit. Not working at the moment, I found that I just couldn’t afford it.

It has been 7 months since I bought a packet of cigarettes. Admittedly I did “bot” a smoke on a few occasions. I did not relapse, however. I dealt with this by summing up the times when I was tempted to smoke rather than actually relapsing. It has worked well so far.

Of course the real test is to be smoke free after 2 years but I am determined to succeed.

By M.S

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