Monday 16 November 2015

Descent Darth Darth Binks

Daniel Marchetti

So, how many of you strange people who choose to read what I say have seen the first film in the Star Wars prequel trilogy?

Probably a lot of you.

Next question, how many of you didn’t completely hate it?

Probably a much smaller number of you.

Why did you hate it?

Like many other Star Wars fans, the answer can likely be summed up with three words.

Jar Jar Binks.

Of course it was him! The stupid racist fishman was way too damned goofy and lucky to survive any of the shit he got caught up in! He represented everything wrong with the prequels!

Well what if it wasn’t luck that kept him from getting killed?

What if the goofy persona was just that? A persona to hide his real personality.

That’s what Reddit user, Lumpawarroo says in his theory that Jar Jar Binks was actually not only a talented fighter, skilled manipulator and powerful force user, but quite possibly intended to be the central villain of the entire prequel trilogy.

Now, for the two people who haven’t already come across this theory somewhere on the internet, which has grown huge, I’ll tell you right now that it’s actually very convincing, with loads of actual, proper evidence.

And finally, just remember that Jar Jar’s a CGI character, so basically every single little detail in what he does is intentional.

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