Monday 28 October 2013

The Stagnation of Intelligence

Source: Mod DB

Video games have advanced a lot over the past ten years. Graphics, physics, animations and net code have all advanced exponentially over the years. But artificial intelligence hasn't had any big leaps since F.E.A.R. came out. A game which was released eight years ago. I don't think I need to elaborate on just how long this is in relation to technology. There's a good reason for this too. 

We can play online against dynamic thinking people instead of wasting time on flat two dimensional programs. So instead of trying to improve on the AI the developers just include online elements. Even if multi-player isn't included in the game the AI is still the same thing we've seen for the past eight years. Some games work around the AI problem by using semi-random patterns for their boss fights. Just about every boss fight included in a video game uses some sort of pattern.

There's nothing wrong with patterned AI for boss fights. What is wrong is that AI for minions is almost always incredibly simple, especially for shooters. The enemies will typically stand in their prearranged positions and shoot at you from some sort of cover, if they aren't in cover they will do some random dodging to spice things up. 

For the most part the difficulty in killing enemies in shooters comes from their increased health and damage, not their intelligence. This makes single player shooters increasingly dull. In F.E.A.R. the enemies would work together as a squad and they actually act human, well at least more-so than the enemies in games like Borderlands and Crysis.

If developers want to continue making single player shooters they need to start improving on their AI. The only real reason why people play these shooters right now is for the co-op, the story, or as a tutorial for the online multi-player. The situation has become so bad that when people go looking for a fun challenge in a shooter they are forced to play online. 

As it stands now a shooter's single-player campaign won't require thought, decision or anything resembling strategy. Instead all it will ask is for the ability to shoot red barrels and helmets from the safety of conveniently placed cover until the credits roll.


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