Monday 10 November 2014

Writing Prompts With T.C Review & Contemplate


I also wanted to mention briefly here as well that Pinterest is also an additional ‘Hub’ space, not just for images that you can use to create a vision board for your writing, but every so often I do come across a picture that leads to further articles, videos, or motivational quotes and tips that I can collect, print out, or bookmark for further interest, and research.



You have accomplished a lot in your life. You have much to be proud of. What is next? This is a time to contemplate the past and the present. Think outside the box. Be the real you.


All through the month of November I have been using my various Tarot, and Oracle decks, not only you set the tone & the energy of the day, but to inspire the prompts that follow each of my posts. 

Using the decks is simple, as there are images, and messages on each one.
Take a card, look at what the message provides, and pick out a few keyword, and go from there.

An example: In one of my previous posts the topic was getting organized. I used the topic as a base, and the daily guidance to flesh questions out that related to novel writing.

Guidance:  Today also shows up a loyal friend

·        Who are the supporting characters of your novel? [Who guides them?]

It is that easy, and the possibilities are endless. This technique has helped me on numerous cases in planning my novel, propelling me forward and inspiring others via Youtube and Twitter.
An example of how I use my Oracle Decks:


One of my favorite creators and guiders in the industry is Doreen Virtue, who was in Melbourne this weekend passed. You can find her shop, workshops, and her community online at:


.       What life experience could you use to spice up your story or create depth in a scene?
·         What is your characters biggest achievement to date?
·         Get clear on your characters purpose throughout the story
·         How can you expand your perspective on your story today?
·         When/ How is your character not their authentic self ?
·         How is your character not themselves today?

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