Monday 24 November 2014

Twain Street, Footscray - Monday 10 November - A Close Call

The weekend just gone saw a near tragedy in Twain Street.

Pauly, 8-years-old and Simon, 12-years-old live with their Mum, Pia – a single mother who emigrated from Chile 15 years ago. The boys have lived at number 10 Twain Street all their lives.

Much to their mother’s great anxiety, the boys have a habit of kicking a soccer ball on the road. No one in the street blames them for this. They don’t have a backyard and there’s nowhere close by to go and play.

Last Saturday afternoon they were out on the street, kicking the ball around, when a car screeched around the corner and missed Pauly by just centimetres. Pia witnessed this from her front window, as did myself and several other neighbours.

She ran out, hysterical. Picking Pauly up off the road, she hugged him tightly, alternating between crying from relief that he was unhurt and chastising him for playing on the road. We were all relieved – Pauly could have been killed.

When everyone had calmed down and gone back their respective homes, I thought about what had just happened. Now over the shock, I became angry. I thought about my childhood and the huge backyards that were completely taken for granted. Surely it’s every kid’s right to have somewhere safe to kick a soccer ball or just run around and play.

I sat down at my computer and started emailing invites to our Community Day (the following Saturday) to our Mayor and local Councillors.

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