Saturday 15 November 2014

Getting lost in reddit land

By S Gray
I decided to have a look at reddit this morning to see if I could find something that is currently trending to blog about. I'd been planning on heading to /r/science, but my caffeine deprived brain saw this and decided it was going to click it instead. My decaffeinated brain, also ensured me that after the caffeine had started to take affect we could click on the Science subreddit and look for something to write a sciency blog about. I mean what's the point of trying to write something serious when your brain is still asleep, right?

So I clicked on the image, managed half a smile, thought that's mildly amusing and then clicked the back button. Right, time to bust out a blog post. Oooohh, 995 comments! Okay, I'll just read the first couple, I mean the caffeine still hasn't reached the synapses yet and it's Saturday morning. I'll just procrastinate for a little bit and then I'll get to it.

Two hours later and I suddenly realise I still haven't written my blog post for the morning, haven't had a shower, haven't had breakfast and badly need to pee. I've somehow transitioned into zombie mode and my brain has been looping through just one more click and then i'll pee for god knows how long.

I'm no longer on reddit, but I now have a bazillion tabs open in chrome that read like a geological record of the last two hours of my life. Somewhere along the way I did stumble across a page on Quantum Cryptography so on the upside I've also found a topic for my next post.

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