Saturday, 7 November 2015

First ever Great Victorian Koala Count

photo credit: Sleeping Koala via photopin (license)

The first ever Great Victorian Koala Count is on today, Saturday 7 November.

By counting koalas today, you can contribute to the protection, conservation and management of koalas and their habitats in Victoria. The Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning (DELWP) reports that in contrast to Queensland and New South Wales, koalas are thriving in Victoria. In fact, in some locations, koala numbers are high enough to place their preferred food trees under threat.

According to Lisa Neville, Minister for Environment, Climate Change and Water, data gathered in the count “will help us to better understand the koala population, and in particular, their distribution across Victoria.”

To participate, register with the DELWP, then download the fact sheet for tips on what to look for and the smartphone app to record your sightings. Even if you don’t spot any koalas, information about where you looked will be useful for understanding koala distribution.

Records obtained through the count will be uploaded to the Atlas of Living Australia database and the DELWP Victorian Biodiversity Atlas.

So why not turn citizen scientist this afternoon? Take a hike in the Victorian bush and look up in the gum trees to see how many koalas you can spot sleeping in the branches.

SW – Post 1

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