Saturday 9 November 2013

We think it was a Chocolate Bar: Part two

by AC

I once came a across a mound of dirt, just sitting on our safety mat on the floor. I could not fathom where it could have come from, it was hilarious. I had to take a moment to stare at it before I cleaned it up with a brush and shovel.
I later had a fellow Smiggler explain to me that it must have been from the shopping centre’s holiday planting activity, which had been set up for children not too far from the kiosk.
Another time I was walking around dusting and straightening products when I happened upon a cigarette butt sitting on a shelf. I had no idea how it got there or why but it went straight into the bin.
The most exciting mess I ever discovered was on the floor between our kiosk and a Priceline store. I was with another Smiggler and we were fascinated by this thing on the ground that looked like it should have been in a toilet.
Picture this flattened
We enthusiastically discussed what it could be, while watching as it was trampled by a stampede of shoppers. We finally settled on a chocolate bar when my fellow Smiggler suggested it looked like a flattened Cadbury Flake. We then called the cleaners who came and made it disappear.
If you would like to find interesting messes at work, get a job at a kiosk in a shopping centre.

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