Sunday 5 October 2014

The Joys of Redundancy - Stage 4


It is my day off and I’m walking aimlessly around the shops in my suburb. I walk past a new beauty shop and decide that I’ll get my neglected legs waxed; and it’s time for a haircut too. I buy a lipstick. A red one. I seem to stand a bit taller. Actually I am ok.

I’m sitting in the Employee Assistance Program office and retelling my story to my appointed counsellor – we are trying to understand what happened and why no other interviews have been forthcoming. She seems equally perplexed but then advises I must send off hundreds of applications if I am to expect a single bite. I must focus upon my skills; they are strong skills acquired from many years of experience; relevant experience. I must not get emotionally involved in this process but rather choose jobs that appeal to me and compliment my relevant skills. One day, she says, I will hit the jackpot but until then, I must play the game.

While there with my counsellor, I have a brainwave; that I will advertise my resume and cover letter writing skills on my own dedicated website. After all, I had success in doing it for a colleague free gratis, so why shouldn’t I do it for money?

She observes my changing body language. I seem to have taken some control of my situation. I realise I must become the boss. I must put my ideas into action. Stop the talk, start the action. It is the best form of retribution.

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